Thursday, October 17, 2013

iOS 7 Exchange ActiveSync Issue

Apple - i Phone users already started to upgrade their devices to new iOS 7.0 and similar to it's predecessor even this release has some issues with Exchange ActiveSync. iOS 6 Meeting Hijack issue made a huge Impact on the Environment last year and eventually got fixed at a later stage you can get more information on this here in detail.

Unlike IOS 6 this time the impact of this new issue is quite limited, where in it affects only the device synchronization and can be addressed by upgrading Exchange Server to latest RU and CU. Also Apple team is working on addressing this issue from their end. Thought of sharing this information through this blog post so that readers can be made aware on the issue.

Read the MS Article to know more : You cannot synchronize an Exchange mailbox after you update an Apple iOS device to iOS 7.0

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