Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Generative AI for Beginners New Course Now Available !

Microsoft recently published a new Course on Generative AI for Beginners; in this course you have 18 lessons developed by Microsoft Cloud advocates and gives you a comprehensive understanding on Generative AI that would help you to start your AI learning.

Here is the complete lesson list:

  • Introduction to Generative AI and LLMs
  • Exploring and comparing different LLMs
  • Using Generative AI Responsibly
  • Understanding Prompt Engineering Fundamentals
  • Creating Advanced Prompts
  • Building Text Generation Applications
  • Building Chat Applications
  • Building Search Apps Vector Databases
  • Building Image Generation Applications
  • Building Low Code AI Applications
  • Integrating External Applications with Function Calling
  • Designing UX for AI Applications
  • Securing Your Generative AI Applications
  • The Generative AI Application Lifecycle
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Vector Databases
  • Open Source Models and Hugging Face
  • AI Agents
  • Fine-Tuning LLMs

You can access the course hereGenerative AI for Beginners (Version 2) - A Course

Friday, July 12, 2024

Copilot Learning Hub

Microsoft has published a new learning hub for Microsoft Copilot, this is your one stop resource to know more on Copilot and Start your learning journey.

Access the Hub here: Copilot learning hub

Official blog post here: Copilot Learning Hub: Your Gateway to Mastering Microsoft Copilot

Get to know how Microsoft deployed Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot for Microsoft is being widely adopted by multiple Organizations and Microsoft has provided lot of guidance on how to learn, adopt and deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365, and as a part of this journey they have published detailed write up, deployment and adoption guide on how Microsoft deployed Copilot for Microsoft 365 internally, this will serve as a good starting point to understand how Organizations can adopt the service efficiently through their first hand experience.

You can download the Ebook versions below

Also read the detailed series below

Copilot for Microsoft 365 Adoption Playbook

Microsoft Copilot products are being adopted across the globe and Copilot for Microsoft 365 has gain lot of momentum and multiple organizations have started their adoption journey and started to get the benefits of enhanced AI capabilities.

Microsoft has published a play book on how to adopt Copilot for Microsoft 365, a good resource to understand the product and effectively adopt the same.

You can access the play book here: Copilot for Microsoft 365 Adoption Playbook

Access the Official Adoption site here:  Microsoft Adoption: Copilot for Microsoft 365

Friday, June 07, 2024

MS Build: Developer’s Guide to Customizing Microsoft Copilot

 Microsoft Build 2024 Sessions are now available on demand amongst various sessions on AI and Copilot, one of the sessions explaining how customize and how to build Copilot extensions grabbed my attention, this session servers as a developer guide for customizing Microsoft Copilot, explaining when to Customize and when to build your own Copilot etc. and recommended to watch for Organizations adopting and exploring capabilities of Copilot.

Access the session here: Developer’s Guide to Customizing Microsoft Copilot

Watch the other associated sessions above to get more insights on Copilot.

Also read this exhaustive blog that covers the key updates: The present and future of Copilot extensibility: Top 10 takeaways from Build 2024

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

New Whitepaper: GDPR & Generative AI – A Guide for Customers

 Microsoft team recently published a Whitepaper on GDPR Compliance in the context of using Generative AI services. This is an essential guide for Organizations adopting Microsoft AI technologies.

You can download the Whitepaper here: GDPR & Generative AI – A Guide for Customers

More details is available in the official blog post here: Introducing Our New Whitepaper: GDPR & Generative AI – A Guide for Customers

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Microsoft 365 Community Conference Videos on Demand !

 Microsoft 365 Community Conference event was completed earlier this month with lot of great announcements on Microsoft 365 product line powered by latest AI capabilities. 

Now Microsoft team has shared some of the great content presented in this conference on-demand under the Microsoft 365 Community Conference Youtube Channel.

You can access the Channel here: Microsoft 365 Community Conference

Also Microsoft team has launched the new Community News Desk on the Microsoft Tech Community, your one stop resource for engaging with Community experts, events and get to know latest updates to stay updated on the Microsoft products.

The above on-demand content is part of the Community News Desk initiative and more updates are on the way.

Access here to know more: Introducing the Community News Desk with essential content from Microsoft 365 Community Conference

You can pre-register for next year event here : https://m365conf.com/#!/

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Microsoft Build 2024 Updates !

Microsoft largest developer event of the year Microsoft Build 2024 has begun yesterday and we had lot of great announcements made during the event from the announcement of new Teams Copilot, Copilot Connectors and Agents, GPT-4o GA on Azure Open AI Service, new Copilot + PCs, General availability of SharePoint Embedded and much more.

If you have registered for the event, you can access the Keynote session and more details here: Your home for Microsoft Build

Refer the below key update posts for more information

For detailed information review the below Book of News.

Microsoft Build keynote highlights

Watch the Entire Microsoft Build 2024 sessions here:

Microsoft Build 2024: Day 1 #MSBuild (youtube.com)

Microsoft Build 2024: Day 2 #MSBuild (youtube.com)

Microsoft Build 2024: Day 3 #MSBuild (youtube.com)

Access the Microsoft Build home site for on-demand content.

Follow #msbuild in LinkedIn and @msdev@msdev X handle for latest updates.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Exchange Server Roadmap Update Just Released !

Microsoft Exchange Team published a new update today on the Exchange Server Roadmap, this brings the update on the last CU For Exchange Server 2019 and availability of the Exchange vNext aka Exchange Server Subscription Edition (Exchange Server SE) in 2025.

As of today most larger Organizations follow the Hybrid Exchange deployment Model, and keeping the On-Premises Exchange Server under the supported version becomes essential to stay supported, and if you are still on Legacy Exchange Versions, its time to upgrade your environment to supported 2019 version and plan for the vNext upgrade accordingly.

You can view the below table specified in the blog post for the update path based on your current environment.

Exchange Server Subscription Edition follows the new modern Lifecycle Policy and more details are available in the blog post.

Access here to know more: Exchange Server Roadmap Update

Monday, May 06, 2024

Microsoft Purview AI Hub available in Public Preview !

Microsoft team announced the Public Preview of Microsoft Purview hub, your one stop solution to mitigate and manage the risks associated with AI usage, and implement corresponding protection and governance controls. You can use AI hub in conjunction with other Microsoft Purview capabilities to strengthen your data security and compliance for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365.

For Organizations adopting AI, including Microsoft Copilot products, having the right level of data governance becomes essential including proper classification of data, control how data is being labelled to protect sensitive data,  how data is being shared inside and outside the Organization etc. and Purview hub gets these requirements addressed efficiently as outlined by Microsoft. As the product is in preview we can expect few changes and updates as we move forward until it becomes GA.

More information is available in the Tech Community post here: Secure your data to confidently take advantage of Generative AI with Microsoft Purview

MS Learn articles 

Microsoft Purview data security and compliance protections for generative AI apps

Considerations for Microsoft Purview AI Hub and data security and compliance protections for Microsoft Copilot

Another great post on Securing your Organizational AI journey: Secure your AI transformation with Microsoft Security

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Microsoft Learn Challenge: Build Edition Registration Open!

Microsoft Build 2024 event is all set to start on May 21 2024 until May 23 2024, being the most vital Microsoft developer event of the year, We are awaiting for great announcements in the AI Space and latest innovations from Microsoft.

You can register for both Offline and Online here: https://build.microsoft.com/en-US/home

As a part of the Build event Registration is now open for the upcoming Microsoft Learn Challenge starts on May 21 and this time is more focused on Latest  advanced AI Technologies with top 5 Curated topics and you will earn a digital badge for completing the challenge under your MS Learn profile.

Register here: Microsoft Learn Challenge: Build Edition

Follow @msdev handle for more updates 

Microsoft 365 - How Microsoft 365 Delivers Trustworthy AI WhitePaper

In today's world Data Privacy and Information Security are more crucial than ever and with the current innovations like Artificial Intelligence evolving at rapid pace, guidelines on how to use these systems, governance of data which these system interact and its impact on Humanity needs to be validated and regulations needs to be implied, and the latest hot topic on one such regulation is the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act.

Microsoft being one of the key AI Players in the world, they are aligning their systems using their Responsible AI Principles to adhere to all the guidelines and regulations defined by the regulatory authorities around the world.

You can read more about the Principles here: Responsible and trusted AI

This post covers one of the key AI innovation from Microsoft, Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, which is now being widely adopted by all major Organizations across the globe, making it compliant for the AI Regulations are essential and Microsoft team has continuously invested their time and attention on this space and aligned the product to meet these crucial requirements.

You can review the below post to understand how Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 interact with your data and how its compliant for regulations like GDPR: Data, Privacy, and Security for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Read the WhitePaper from Microsoft to understand how they deliver Trustworthy AI for Microsoft 365 specific to Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365.

Review related Blog post here: How Microsoft 365 Delivers Trustworthy AI

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Let's Learn Microsoft Copilot Studio !

Microsoft Copilot Studio Enables organizations to extend Microsoft copilots or build your own. The studio combines LLMs and generative AI with the efficiency of an intuitive copilot development studio.

Access Copilot Studio herehttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-copilot/microsoft-copilot-studio

Access the Official documentation here: Microsoft Copilot Studio documentation

Microsoft Learn resources available here: Create copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio

You can access the Implementation guide here: New Microsoft Copilot Studio implementation guide

This blog covers more insights and resources on Copilot StudioBuilding your own copilot with Copilot Studio

You can get all updates and learning via the below Youtube series on Copilot Studio presented by Dewain Robinson MSFT.

Watch here: Copilot Studio - How To Series

You can read this post to understand where Copilot Studio fits in the Copilot Eco System: Adopt, extend and build Copilot experiences across the Microsoft Cloud

For more deep dive understanding of Copilots and how to create Custom Copilots watch this MS Ignite 2023 session

Watch here: Adopting Extending and Building Your Own Copilots | BRK401

Another great read: Build, buy, or both? How to choose the right approach for your AI transformation

Stay tuned for more updates.

Let's Learn Microsoft Copilot for Security !

Microsoft Copilot for Security is currently revolutionizing the Security Space, with the advance AI capabilities inbuilt it enhances the power of Microsoft Security products to deliver efficiently to protect the security boundary of the Organization against the  modern Cyber Threats today.

Microsoft Copilot for Security went GA this April 2024 and available for global customers, more details can be found in the below blog post 

Microsoft Copilot for Security is now Generally Available 

To understand more about Microsoft Copilot for Security Microsoft team has put forth a great list of essential resources where you can learn on the product as well as get guidance to implement the same within your Organization.

If you are new to Cyber Security space begin here: Cybersecurity for Beginners – a curriculum

Start your learning from here: What is Microsoft Copilot for Security?

Official Microsoft Learn learning path : Get started with Microsoft Copilot for Security

To support your Microsoft Copilot for Security Technical journey and latest updates you can access this essential Partner Learning resource: Copilot for Security Technical Journey & Resources

For more advanced topics you can refer the Microsoft Copilot For Security Community

Attend the upcoming Microsoft Virtual Ninja Show Session to Start your Journey: Getting started with Copilot for Security

Access this Post to know how to become a Microsoft Copilot for Security Ninja: How to Become a Microsoft Copilot for Security Ninja: The Complete Level 400 Training

Access the Official Tech Community blog and stay updated: Microsoft Copilot for Security Blog 

To know more on other Microsoft Security products and learning you can refer the Microsoft Security Academy

Let's Learn AI with Microsoft !

In today's IT world filled with AI Innovations, Organizations are aligning their Roadmap with the latest technology enhancements powered by AI technologies, and to aid this transformation journey, multiple learning opportunities are being provided to their employees and also lot of great learning resources available globally on the internet from all major players of AI.

Following resource is from Microsoft, on their Microsoft Learn platform where they have published great resources for everyone to know more on the AI Technologies and curated learning resources that will provide you more step by step learning and deep dive on AI, with Role based approach and also prepare you to get certified on their AI technology.

Download the e-book here: Accelerate AI transformation with skill building

Access related blog post here: Transform your business with AI skill building on Microsoft Learn

Start your AI Learning here: AI learning hub

Start AI Learning for your Organization here: Microsoft Learn for Organizations

Access here to know more on Plans on Microsoft learnIntroducing Plans on Microsoft Learn