Customers who wanted to secure on-premises clients such as VPN are required to to deploy MFA Servers on-premises, Since Cloud-based MFA services like Azure AD have not traditionally supported RADIUS authentication. Microsoft team announced the availability of "Network Policy Server (NPS) extension for Azure MFA" this February 2017 as a Public Preview, that adds cloud-based MFA capabilities to your authentication infrastructure using your existing servers without the need of On premises MFA Servers specifically deployed for the purpose of securing VPN connections with MFA.
You can read about the announcement here: Azure AD News: Azure MFA cloud-based protection for on-premises VPNs is now in public preview!
This Week Microsoft team announced the General Availability of "NPS Extension for Azure MFA" inside the "Cloud Platform Release Announcements" blog post.
Access the announcement blog post here: Cloud Platform Release Announcements for July 26, 2017
You can review the below Technical documentation to know more on this feature and plan your deployment.
Access the Technical documentation here: Integrate your existing NPS infrastructure with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
For advanced scenarios refer here: Advanced configuration options for the NPS extension for Multi-Factor Authentication
Also review the excellent blog post from MVP Freek Breson to know how you can Secure the RD Gateway with MFA using the new NPS extension for Azure MFA. Organizations deployed MFA servers On premises or in IAAS environments for the purpose of securing Remote desktop connections with MFA can now take the advantage of this new extension to leverage Azure MFA and remove the MFA servers.
Read here : Securing RD Gateway with MFA using the new NPS Extension for Azure MFA!
Access the latest Technical documentation here: Integrate your Remote Desktop Gateway infrastructure using the Network Policy Server (NPS) extension and Azure AD
Additionally, read another related blog post here : How to Configure Azure MFA as Citrix NetScaler RADIUS using the new NPS Extension
You can take the advantage of Conditional Access once you use start to leverage Azure MFA with this new Extension, review the below Support discussion to know more in detail
Review here: Conditional access for NPS extension for Azure
Access the Troubleshooting support article here: Resolve error messages from the NPS extension for Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Stay tuned for more updates...
You can read about the announcement here: Azure AD News: Azure MFA cloud-based protection for on-premises VPNs is now in public preview!
This Week Microsoft team announced the General Availability of "NPS Extension for Azure MFA" inside the "Cloud Platform Release Announcements" blog post.
Access the announcement blog post here: Cloud Platform Release Announcements for July 26, 2017
Access the Technical documentation here: Integrate your existing NPS infrastructure with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication
Read here : Securing RD Gateway with MFA using the new NPS Extension for Azure MFA!
Access the latest Technical documentation here: Integrate your Remote Desktop Gateway infrastructure using the Network Policy Server (NPS) extension and Azure AD
You can take the advantage of Conditional Access once you use start to leverage Azure MFA with this new Extension, review the below Support discussion to know more in detail
Review here: Conditional access for NPS extension for Azure
Access the Troubleshooting support article here: Resolve error messages from the NPS extension for Azure Multi-Factor Authentication