Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Blog for the Day !

Today's post is quite significant and different than the normal Technical posts that I wrote and refer to you. Every Individual's dream is to get a proper Professional Career and a Peaceful Life but both of these won't come at ease.

If you are in the right track of your career then you can mold your life in a way that makes you feel happy and satisfied and the same way you can lead others to achieve this by showing them the exact way which you followed and share the wonderful experience you gained along in your Journey. In every Individual's career path they would have come across multiple job changes, role changes, career shifts and much more challenging instances that could have made them strong enough to work under any circumstances and makes them flexible to adopt any situation and lead others.

When it comes to finding the right Job or choosing a new Job from the existing one for your future is quite a risky task and it requires proper planning and guidance. Though we feel comfortable in making our own decision in most cases we require Experts Advice.

Today I saw a tweet from Windows IT Pro where it pointed me to blog post from myITforum.com website titled Landing a job with an industry leader written by Dana Daugherty.

Author Dana has 25 years of Professional Experience in the field of Technology and shared the experience gained during this time frame for us to know and plan our career, and the post is written in such a way that it will make your mind to read for more and suggests you great tips to plan a head.  This post is a multi-part series and you can bookmark this website to your browser favorites and check out for the next upcoming posts soon from the author.

I read the post and it made me really feel good and I wanted to take an opportunity to share it here with my readers.

Read the post here to know more and share with others : Landing a job with an industry leader

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