Thursday, August 15, 2013

Let's Learn SharePoint Today...

Microsoft SharePoint is a renowned collaborative software in the field of Information Technology which gives users ability to store, share and manage the data either online or offline and collaborate more effectively and timely .

As an IT Administrator its always good to know about all the Technologies available outside relevant to the domain and understand how the product is designed , its purpose and little knowledge in Administering the product.

Most popular version of the product available in the market is SharePoint 2010. Below is the link to download an E-book which gives you the overall Administration knowledge on this product along with Deployment and Configuring guidelines.

Download  Here: SharePoint 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant

Once you are familiarize with the SharePoint 2010 get to know what are the new features available in the current release of the product Microsoft share point 2013 using the below links

Explore SharePoint 2013

Deployment guide for SharePoint 2013

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