Saturday, August 10, 2013

About My Blog

Hi Everyone,


I welcome you all for my new blog which is dedicated to my beloved friends who are looking to excel in the field of Information Technology . I myself a System Engineer and started my carrier from the scratch, and know how the industry is moving forward at a rapid rate and the hard work required from each of us to reach the Top of the ladder .

Basic thing which I want to share is "Learning Never stops and the same way Sharing " in simple terms Knowledge sharing. This is some thing which I found in most of other blogs provided by many good hearted people and through My Mentors with which I learned the Technology and continue to Excel.

This blog will be one stop for your IT needs in the Messaging and Collaboration domain along with other major Technologies which provides you the right guidance and material to learn and also provides additional references by re-directing you accordingly to the suggested forums and websites with which you will not only get the answer for your queries, also you would know more than what you expected on the topic which eventually makes you a advanced player and master it.

Enjoy my blog and let me know how to improve it for your better service



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