Sunday, January 19, 2014

Office 365 MX Record Update Deadline...

Microsoft Team already announced that Organizations who are using Office 365 should change their MX records from Generic to domain specific records during their Service Upgrade and the dead line is set to 1 June 2014 and a recent E-mail was sent to the Organizations for notifying the update requirement and it incorrectly showed the deadline as 31 January 2014, which is only few days a head and made confusion and the same was later corrected and  updated by Microsoft team on the MX record update FAQ community blog.

You still have time to make the changes and you can plan accordingly and change the MX to domain specific records with in this deadline for a non-disruptive mail flow.

Below is the community post that has this information also you can see more information regarding the need and steps for changing the MX and the vital part is now the Office 365 admin center has been updated to display as the zone to use and earlier it was set as and if you have already change your MX to the latter then it will also work, and if you about to do it  now then you can use the updated one mentioned in the portal.

You can verify your current MX using the MX Tool box and also review post validating the changes.
Review the post here: Update to MX records FAQ

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