Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Exchange On-Premises TAP Program

Today Microsoft team updated about their new Exchange On-Premises Technology Adoption Program (TAP)  via the EHLO Blog post and now nominations are open for customers who are using Exchange Server On premises to join hands with Microsoft in improvising Exchange Server product line by testing the new updates and releases in the Lab environment and implement in production and share the feedback and suggestions directly with Microsoft product team which will eventually benefit them to build the product even more robust than now and typically assists customers to know and feel the latest releases and identify the pain points and resolve them on time with dedicated support from Microsoft and get things moved towards the future.

This is a great innovation from Microsoft where in now we ourselves can test the product and identify the potential impact and notify Microsoft on time to get things fixed and also provide the required enhancements to be made to product which will be evaluated and made available with the next release and benefit both the product vendor Microsoft  and we as a customer.

You can review and nominate your Organization if you are ready to face the new challenges and decide the future.

Read the official blog post below to know more : Exchange On-Premises TAP Program accepting nominations

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