Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Submit Your Ideas Today!

New changes will occur only if there are Innovative Ideas, And Imagine if there is a place where we all of us can put our Ideas together to bring a major change in the existing environment, thus making the product a robust one which meets all our needs and make the Administration easier than ever before with every release.

Ideas that I am referring here are pertaining to the Exchange Server and Lync Server products and these products are now enhanced like ever before by Microsoft team and with every release some new functionality is added and also unfortunately some existing cool features are removed and some are replaced with the new ones and with this being said the views of every individual Admin changes along with the product feature some are happy, some are sad but eventually everyone wants some enhancement to be made to the product which reduces the management tasks and provide a rich Administration and user experience.

Our renowned MVPs Matt Landis and Pat Richard has created common forums for posting our Innovative Ideas through the Ideascale website which is a cool one where you will get to know how many people like us are in need around the word willing to make significant changes to the product and also suggest their innovative ideas to bring in new features and much more details along with voting to show your acknowledgement for the Ideas and also post comment to provide your suggestions and to post your own Ideas.

Though these forums are not officially from Microsoft, they still have the power of our Ideas and reviewed by most of the Microsoft experts and some significant changes were made to the products with every release and you will come to know them once you get to these forums and register your self.

Access here: Microsoft Exchange Improvement Suggestions

Access here:  Microsoft Lync Improvement Suggestions

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