Friday, August 14, 2015

MVA Learning: Getting Started with Windows 10 for IT Professionals

Microsoft team recently launched Windows 10 globally, At every second in any one corner of the world an upgrade is going on, this is the power of the new Technology and now people tend to explore the new innovations at rapid rate.

As long the adoption of a new product is concerned in an Enterprise its quite different than the Consumers, which involves lot of evaluation and exploration on the new build before we can keep hands on the environment and prepare it for the change.

As an IT Pro we need more insight on the product and get to know what's available on this new version that can benefit my Organization? and to answer this Microsoft team launched the new Microsoft Virtual Academy course "Getting Started with Windows 10 for IT Professionals" covering various benefits and features of the new version and gives you adequate information on what 's available for your Organization and improve the adoption.

Below are topics covered in the course

01 | What's New in Windows 10 deployment
02 | What's New in Windows 10 Management and the Windows Store
03 | Runtime Provisioning in Windows 10 
04 | Windows 10 Mobile Device Management MDM 
05 | Protecting Your Data with Containers Without Boxing Yourself In 
06 | A New Era of Threat Resistance for the Windows 10 Platform 
07 | Secure Authentication with Windows Hello 
08 | Windows as a Service: What does it mean for your business? 

You can expand the complete course information for more details and know what's covered under each topic.

Access the course here: Getting Started with Windows 10 for IT Professionals

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