Saturday, May 04, 2024

Let's Learn AI with Microsoft !

In today's IT world filled with AI Innovations, Organizations are aligning their Roadmap with the latest technology enhancements powered by AI technologies, and to aid this transformation journey, multiple learning opportunities are being provided to their employees and also lot of great learning resources available globally on the internet from all major players of AI.

Following resource is from Microsoft, on their Microsoft Learn platform where they have published great resources for everyone to know more on the AI Technologies and curated learning resources that will provide you more step by step learning and deep dive on AI, with Role based approach and also prepare you to get certified on their AI technology.

Download the e-book here: Accelerate AI transformation with skill building

Access related blog post here: Transform your business with AI skill building on Microsoft Learn

Start your AI Learning here: AI learning hub

Start AI Learning for your Organization here: Microsoft Learn for Organizations

Access here to know more on Plans on Microsoft learnIntroducing Plans on Microsoft Learn

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